Monday, August 16, 2010

Please Some One help Me!!!?

ok i am using an unsecure lan to get internet..i just learned my internet protection product sux (norton antivirus) and that i did a free scan and 1000 of files r infected i need a FREEE no fee no registring SPYWARE / VIRUS protector please help me im nervous... im only 14 and i cant buy nething please someone i dont wanna wreck my laptop!!!! its a windows Vista

Please Some One help Me!!!?software

spybot antispyware is free, you can download it on

however you need both anti-spyware and anti-virus to keep your computer safe.

Please Some One help Me!!!?vincent

I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. There are 3-4 better answers, answers addressing the various problems that may have occurred, and how to handle them. Yet this two-liner gets voted as the best? Was it friends, or multiple accounts?

This is why I've greatly decreased my participation... Report It

Here is a suggestion, go to google at the address given and take up the pack of software that is given

- Google Pack is: Software specifically selected by Google

- Always free - no trial versions or spyware

- Ready to use in just a few clicks

You can pick and choose the bits and pieces you want... includes a virus scanner and spyware remover

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